More Information: I've Landed @UNCLawLibrary
On June 1, I will be starting work at the Katherine R. Everett Law Library at the University of North Carolina. I am taking the position of Reference & Digital Initiatives Librarian, which will be a hybrid job responsible for providing traditional reference services and contributing to work on the access to, collection, and description of new and existing digital resources.
I am truly excited to join an excellent team at Carolina Law. I have gotten to know many of the folks there during my years as a dual J.D./M.S.I.S., but now I am particularly looking forward to working with them as a professional colleague. I also want to say thanks to all of the great mentors I've had outside of Carolina Law, including Ed Walters and his great crew at Fastcase, Sara Sampson, and the staff at the J. Michael Goodson Law Library, where I have worked as an intern for this past year.
I can't wait to get to work!